The Biography Channel. Retrieved May 1, 2007. FAY STRANG. Richard Gere and wife Carey Lowell set for divorce as they split after 11 years of marriage due
John and Lady Carolyn Warren (the Queen's racing manager and his wife, daughter of the Queen's former racing manager, the Earl of Carnarvon) Susanna and
2007. Brenden, Piers, The bishop who mistook his wife for a doormat: review of A Victorian Marriage: Mandell and Louise Creighton, The Independent, 8 January
在他的统治之下,拜占庭帝国经历了一段内部兴旺的时期,他也在军事、行政方面做了重要的创新与改革。 君士坦丁五世生于君士坦丁堡,是皇帝利奥三世与皇后玛利亚(英语:Maria (wife of Leo III))的长子与继承人。720年8月,年仅两岁的君士坦丁被父亲加冕为共治皇帝。拜占庭政治传统中,可以有多位皇帝同时在位,尽管各皇