1968年__月__日麗的電視:天羅地網 (電視劇) (The Untouchables (1959 TV series)) 1968年__月__日麗的電視:歡喜冤家(電視劇)(Bewitched(英语:Bewitched)) 197_年__月__日麗的電視:快樂家庭(英语:ThePartridgeFamily)
Rudyard Kipling, "The Young British Soldier", in Barrack-Room Ballads (1892). Eric Partridge, Tom Dalzell, Terry Victor, The New Partridge Dictionary of Slang
1844年结婚 (1 个孩子), in will. Emily D. Partridge (Smith) 1844年结婚 - (7 个孩子), in will.(Edward Partridge(英语:Edward Partridge)之女) Eliza R. Snow (Smith)(英语:Eliza
(原始内容存档于2022-07-12). Partridge, Christopher Hugh. Introduction to world religions. Fortress Press. 2005: 442. ISBN 0-8006-3714-3. Sun Myung Moon's Family. [2022-07-11]