7 million in its initial New York run alone and eventually grossed over $32 million. It was obvious to Hollywood that the public was ready for a new form of
得獎者以粗體表示。 沃爾特·旺格(英语:Walter Wanger) - 擔任電影藝術與科學學院主席六年的貢獻。 《我住的房子(英语:The House I Live In (1945 film))》 丹尼爾·布隆伯格、合众录音室(英语:Republic Pictures)及所屬音效部门(Republic
(film))》(1950年)获奖。 8位作曲家曾连续两年获奖: 雷·海因多夫(英语:Ray Heindorf):《胜利之歌》(1942年)和《从军乐(英语:This Is the Army)》(1943年); 弗朗茨·沃克斯曼:《日落大道》(1950年)和《郎心如鐵》(1951年); 艾佛瑞·纽曼曾两次连续两年获奖,分别是:《情淚心聲(英语:With
including a mother and a daughter, walked onto Tiananmen, doused their bodies with gasoline, and set themselves on fire. The footage played for weeks, and