Rebellion. TheBoxer Rebellion is graphically depicted in the Shaw Brothers production of Boxer Rebellion, a 1976 film directed by Chang Cheh. This film was
Gray, drummer of the popular Grammy Award winning band, Evanescence Rocky Graziano, American boxer Rocky Johnson, Pro wrestler and The Rock's father Rocky
《馬永貞》(英語:Boxer from Shantung)是一部1972年香港武打片,由邵氏公司出品,張徹及鮑學禮聯合執導,陳觀泰主演。影片取材於清末拳師馬永貞之事蹟,並將年代向後推移自民國年間。而自此片起不但掀起黑幫片熱潮,更開創了上海灘爭霸的戲路,後以此為題材之影視作品更層出不窮。 本片之後被翻拍為《馬永貞(英语:Hero