45的枪并准备来场大抢劫。只有吉布森笔下的朋克们是这些电脑骑师,而那把.45口径的枪则是来自俄罗斯的军用杀手程序。” J·迈克尔·卡巴鲁拉则在《太空玩家/幻想玩家#82》(英语:The Space Gamer)中评论到“这是一次至关重要的阅读体验;苛刻的、坚忍的、复杂的、有远见卓识的。” Snead, Elizabeth. William
effectuate the hosting of official Chinese visitors at facilities belonging to or utilized by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. — Public Law
Back Again: Czech Jews and their Bonds of Belonging from Deportations to the Postwar (PDF). Dapim: Studies on the Holocaust. 2014, 28 (1): 38–55 [2024-08-05]