Remember Bridget Jones's Diary Camille The Sheik Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Garden State Girl on the Bridge Love Story Pretty Woman Pride and Prejudice
家。他錄製了數首熱門單曲,包括〈Lean on Me(英语:Lean on Me (song))〉、〈Ain't No Sunshine(英语:Ain't No Sunshine)〉、〈Use Me(英语:Use Me (Bill Withers song))〉、〈Just the Two of Us(英语:Just
International University. Philip Weidling and August Burghard, Checkered Sunshine. Ft. Lauderdale, FL: Wake-Brook House, 1974. 维基共享资源上的相关多媒体资源:露丝·布莱恩·欧文