產種。區域菜系包括北美洲飲食(英语:North American cuisine)、墨西哥飲食、拉丁美洲飲食、南美洲飲食(英语:SouthAmericancuisine)及加勒比飲食。 來自哥伦北亚安蒂奥基亚省Peñól de Guatapé的托盤派薩(英语:Bandeja paisa) 一份包以牙買加肉餅(英语:Jamaican
(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), excerpt from Andrew J. Luxner's American English: A Teachers's Journey in Seoul, South Korea. Golden Hill Books, San Diego. ISBN 0-9760748-1-8
(原始内容存档于2018-03-20). Elaine Yao. How American crayfish invaded Chinese hearts and stomachs, and how to cook and eat them safely. South China Morning Post. June 30
Loh. Cha Gordo: Macau's ' fat tea' a celebration of Macanese cuisine and culture. South China Morning Post. 2015-04-10 [2016-08-02]. (原始内容存档于2016-08-02)