Leman, Joy. Wise Scientists and Female Androids: Class and Gender in ScienceFiction. Corner, John (编). Popular Television in Britain. London: BFI Publishing
命线》发表于美國科幻教父約翰·W·坎貝爾主編的《震撼科幻小說(英语:Astounding ScienceFiction)》雜誌。他很快成为社会科学幻想运动(英语:Socialsciencefiction)的公认领袖之一。他的早期作品逐步拼凑成主題相当一致的未来历史系列(英语:Future History
sheep? Critical perspectives on sexuality and pornography in science and socialfiction. RE/SEARCH, ISBN 978-1-889307-23-7 Farrell, Lauralee (2007). Dream
ISBN 978-0-19-530567-8. (原始内容存档于2020-07-26). Stableford, Brian M. Science fact and sciencefiction: an encyclopedia. CRC Press. 2006: 22–23 [22 November 2011]
and social foundations of the Japanese video game industry (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), Research Policy 32: 423-44 Players Guide To Electronic ScienceFiction Games