waiting for a hanukkah album (推文). 2021-11-03 [2021-06-23] –通过Twitter. Kramer, PeterD. Steven Spielberg's 'West Side Story' Maria on stage in Lodi this weekend
。受体受到刺激後,该受体再通过第二信使將訊息傳遞至细胞内部,讓细胞对刺激做出反应。 Bastien D. Gomperts; Peter E.R. Tatham; Ijsbrand M. Kramer. Signal transduction Pbk. ed., [Nachdr.]. Amsterdam
(原始内容存档于2022-02-18) Katz, D., The Image of the Underworld in Sumerian Sources, Bethesda, Maryland: CDL Press: 403, 2003 Kramer, Samuel Noah, Sumerian Mythology: