SIN3Adeacetylase 2 , Host cell factor C1, IKZF1, ING1, KLF11, MNT, MXD1, Methyl-CpG-binding domain protein 2 , Nuclear receptor co -repressor 2 , OGT PHF12, 早幼粒细胞白血病蛋白
孕酮受体孕酮受体能与下列蛋白質发生交互作用: KLF9(英语:KLF9) Nuclear receptor co -repressor 2 (英语:Nuclear receptor co -repressor 2 ) UBE3A(英语:UBE3A) Selective progesterone receptor modulator(英语:Selective
视黄酸受体α视黄酸受体α(英語:Retinoic acid receptor alpha,RAR-α),也称为NR1B1(核受体第一亚族B组成员1,nuclear receptor subfamily 1, group B, member 1)是一个核受体,在人类基因组中由 RARA 基因编码。 视黄酸受体α可以与下列蛋白質发生进行交互作用:
早幼粒细胞白血病蛋白MAPK11, MYB, Mdm2, Nerve Growth factor IB, Nuclear receptor co -repressor 1, Nuclear receptor co -repressor 2 , P53, RPL11, 视网膜母细胞瘤蛋白 视黄酸受体α, SIN3A, SKI protein
糖皮质激素受体the beta-isoform of the human glucocorticoid receptor does not act as a physiologically significant repressor . The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 1997-10-17