核連鎖反應核連鎖反應(英語:Nuclear chain reaction),是當發生一個核反應,兩個或以上的周邊核反應被觸動,從而帶動其他核反應以指數形式增長。在臨界質量的核裂變燃料發生的不受控核連鎖反應可釋放出巨大能量,也是純核裂变炸弹的威力來源。在核子反应堆中,核連鎖反應可通過插入吸收中子的控制捧人工中止。
錀的同位素at RIKEN. Nuclear Physics A. 2004, 734: 101. doi:10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2004.01.019. Folden, C. M. Development of an Odd-Z-Projectile Reaction for Heavy
鑪的同位素synthesized, occurs in decay chain of 285Fl Discovery of this isotope is unconfirmed Not directly synthesized, occurs in decay chain of 282Nh Not directly synthesized
𨨏的同位素266Bh and 262Db Produced in the 248Cm+23Na Reaction—Further Confirmation of the [sup 278]113 Decay Chain—: 331. 2010. doi:10.1063/1.3455961. Wilk, P
锕系元素the fission of uranium is important not only for maintaining the nuclear chain reaction, but also for the synthesis of the heavier actinides. Uranium-239