2015]. (原始内容存档于2016-01-13). Keslassy, Elsa. Belgium Sends ‘The Brand NewTestament’ To Foreign-Language Oscar Race. Variety. 22 September 2015 [22 September
uncials List of New Testament minuscules List of NewTestament lectionaries List of NewTestament Latin manuscripts List of NewTestament Church Fathers 其他條目
《四天國福音》(英語:Gospel of the Four Heavenly Realms)是一本已經失傳的新約次經(英语:NewTestament apocrypha),也可稱為偽經。如今此經書的內容大多是依據古代基督教教父著作中對它的描述和引用推測而來。從經文所闡述的祕傳宇宙論(英语:Esoteric
Epistle to the Philippians: a commentary on the Greek text. New International Greek Testament Commentary. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans. ISBN 978-0-802-82392-2