·戈尔德曼在她关于十月革命后的苏联的著作《我对俄罗斯的幻灭(英语:MyDisillusionmentinRussia)》和《我对俄罗斯进一步的幻灭(英语:My Further DisillusionmentinRussia)》中谴责对喀琅施塔得起义的镇压是“大屠杀”。最终,左翼俄国社会革命党也与布尔什维克决裂。
Oxford University Press. 1997. ISBN 0-19-820427-2. Emma Goldman. MyDisillusionmentinRussia. Courier Dover Publications. 2003: 61. ISBN 0-486-43270-X. Edward
Publishers. 1986. ISBN 978-0-7178-0624-9. Goldman, Emma. Preface. MyDisillusionmentinRussia. New York: Dover Publications. 2003: xx. ISBN 978-0-486-43270-0
Gita'. He cited the rapid spread of the movement as proof of 'the disillusionment of leading western minds' with 'materialist ideologies that are incapable