Grand Prix for Choral Singing)優勝合唱團的城市。 立陶宛音樂資訊中心(英语:MusicInformationCentreLithuania)(LMIC)為在國內外推廣立陶宛音樂的非營利組織。 1944年蘇聯佔領立陶宛後,立陶宛的藝術創作受蘇聯審查制度(英语:Censorship
averages for Lithuania. Météo Climat. [2 December 2020]. (原始内容存档于2022-06-20). d.o.o, Yu Media Group. Vilnius, Lithuania - Detailed climate information and monthly
War II. Researching and documenting Switzerland's role "as an art-dealing centre and conduit for cultural assets in the Nazi period and in the immediate
Allen. Britain falls to 25th best place to live in the world... behind Lithuania, the Czech Republic and Hungary. Daily Mail (London). 2010-01-07 [2013-10-01]