October 4, 2010 [January 26, 2011]. (原始内容存档于2019-11-14). Mary Elizabeth Winstead On Set Interview THE THING. October 4, 2010
Gary Halvorson(英语:Gary Halvorson) Seth Kurland 1999年10月7日 (1999-10-07) 225553 125 4 乔伊失去了医疗保险 The One Where Joey Loses His Insurance Gary Halvorson Andrew
"Sleep Tight, Puddin' Pop" Two and a Half Men Harvey, Rose's Father Gary Halvorson 2007 "K&R - Part III" Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip Radio Host (voice
99 (3): 583–585. PMID 23198757. S2CID 6473251. doi:10.1645/12-12.1. Halvorson CR. An approach to the evaluation of delusional infestation. Cutis (Review)