London: John Murray. 1905: 478–520. Halperin, Vladimir, Lord Milner and the Empire, London: Odhams Press, 1952 Iwan-Müller, E. B. Lord Milner and South
Majesty's Solicitor General for Scotland ,通稱Solicitor General for Scotland;蘇格蘭蓋爾語:Àrd-neach-lagha a' Chrùin an Alba),是英國官方律政專員的一種,為蘇格蘭檢察總長(Lord Advocate)的副手。其職責為就蘇格蘭法律(Scots
50–69, London, John Murray, 1830. Godfrey Basil Mundy, The life and correspondence of the late admiral Lord Rodney, London, John Murray, 1830. Howard Douglas