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植物学morphology) 植物学期刊列表(英语:List of botany journals ) 植物学家列表(英语:List of botanists) 植物园列表(英语:List of botanical gardens) 植物学家名称缩写列表(英语:List of botanists by author abbreviation
細胞壁" Sendbusch, Peter V. (2003-07-31). "Cell Walls of Algae 互联网档案馆的存檔,存档日期November 28, 2005,.". Botany Online. Retrieved on 2007-10-29. Sengbusch, Peter
凤梨Functional aspects of floral nectar secretion of Ananas ananassoides, an ornithophilous bromeliad from the Brazilian savanna. Annals of Botany . 2012-06, 109
包被 Ed. "A Monograph of the British Gastromycetes", Annals of Botany , vol. iv. 1889. British Fungus – Flora: A Classified Textbook of Mycology; By George