bellum) (Jus ad bellum) 伊拉克戰爭的合法性(英语:LegalityoftheIraqWar) 戰爭罪行列表(英语:List ofwar crimes) 纽伦堡原则 战争罪 民族解放戰爭(英语:Wars of national liberation) 新华网:国际刑事法院成员国通过《罗马规约》修正案
Battle of Fallujah: Occupation, Resistance And Stalemate in theWar in Iraq, by Vincent L. Foulk (2006) (ISBN 0-7864-2677-2) Among Warriors in Iraq: True
to membership ofthe UN in 1955, no state challenged thelegalityof Jordan’s union with the West Bank. This was in stark contrast to the debates on Israel’s
pushes Mexico money in Iraq bill. POLITICO. 2008-05-08 [2023-07-12] (英语). Bowe, Rebecca (2004). "The drug war on the Amazon". E: The Environmental Magazine