格规约 Chap. 8 Gaussian Lattice Reduction - Chap. 9 Lattice Reduction and Applications. Fundamental Problems of Algorithmic Algebra. Oxford, New York: Oxford
后量子密码学 成的排列,它具有周期性的结构。更准确地说,是在n维空间Rn中加法群的离散子群,这一数学对象有许多应用,其中存在几个称为“格问题(英语:Lattice problems )”的难题,如最短向量问题(Shortest Vector Problem)和最近向量问题(Closest Vector
多格骨牌(OEIS數列A000105) (OEIS數列A000988) (OEIS數列A001168) Jensen, Iwan. Enumerations of Lattice Animals and Trees. Journal of Statistical Physics. 2001, 102 (3/4): 865–881
楊-米爾斯存在性與質量間隙 禁閉效應,應見到零質量的膠子;但因它們被禁閉,只見到不帶色荷的膠子束綁態——膠波。凡膠波皆質量,所以期望質量間隙的存在。 格點規範場論(英语:lattice gauge theory)的結果令不少工作者相信,這個模型真的有禁閉現象(由Wilson圈的真空期望值的下降的「面積規律」(area
AdS/CMT对偶 even there we still have a preferred coordinate system and, usually, a lattice . There is some evidence of other linear-T phases to the left of the strange