Christianity. Shambhala. 2013 [23 July 2017]. ISBN 978-0-8348-2894-0. Brown, Dale W. Understanding Pietism. 1996. Brumbaugh, Martin Grove. A History of the
2018年,挪威政府決定撥款1億挪威克朗改善種子庫設施,包括建造新的混泥土通道、製冷設備和緊急電力系統等裝置,時任挪威農業和食品部長喬恩·喬治·戴爾(書面挪威語:JonGeorgDale)在一份聲明中表示: 挪威公共建築和財產局(英语:Norwegian Directorate of Public Construction
02/07/2001. P.O.W. Network. [2019-01-21]. (原始内容存档于2024-01-08). James Barron. Dale Evans, the Queen of the West, Is Dead at 88. The New York Times. 8 February
Kosiak;工程/混音:Ingmar Carlson, Jon Castelli, Josh Deguzman, John Kercy, Denis Kosiak, Guy Lawrence & Michael Romero;母带工程:Dale Becker "Old Town Road" – 利尔·纳斯·X