Neo-Confucian, Islamic, Jewish, and Early Christian Patterns, SUNY Press 1998. S. 85 Irving Hexham: Pocket Dictionary of New ReligiousMovements: Over 400 Groups
members of the Jewish faith. Examples of these and more extreme persecutions occurred under the authority of multiple, radical Muslim Movements such as that
Final Review of the Constitution)中代表伊朗猶太人社群。他支持左派政治,並提倡民族宗教認同(英语:Jewish political movements)。 1920年,阿齊茲·達內什·拉德生於伊朗伊斯法罕省戈勒派耶甘,其父為猶太拉比、在巴剎經營商業。拉德於德黑兰大学取得電機工程學士學位,之後擔任公務員。
Robert A.; Sarna, Jonathan D. (编). Jewish Polity and American Civil Society: Communal Agencies and ReligiousMovements in the American Public Sphere. Rowman