Inner Asia, Beatrice Forbes Manz, (ed.), Aldershot, Hampshire: Variorum, 1995, IX. Grousset, Rene, The Empire oftheSteppes: a History ofCentralAsia, Naomi
without ethnic connotation. How far nomadic populations incentralAsia and the eastern steppes may be of Scythian, Iranic, race, or contain such elements makes
阿塔贝格地位僅次于可汗(在可汗年幼时輔政),在亚塞拜然则是一王号。在亚美尼亚与格鲁吉亚是軍官头衔。 René Grousset. The Empire oftheSteppes: A History ofCentralAsia, Rutgers University Press, 1970, p. 158 atabeg..