
Quick Facts 拟地蟹科, 科学分类 ...
Sayamia melanodactylus荷兰语Sayamia melanodactylus
科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 节肢动物门 Arthropoda
亚门: 甲壳亚门 Crustacea
纲: 软甲纲 Malacostraca
目: 十足目 Decapoda
亚目: 腹胚亚目 Pleocyemata
下目: 短尾下目 Brachyura
派: 真短尾派 Eubrachyura
亚派: 异孔亚派 Heterotremata
总科: 拟地蟹总科 Gecarcinucoidea
科: 拟地蟹科 Gecarcinucidae
Rathbun, 1904





  • Adeleana Bott, 1969
    • Adeleana chapmani Holthuis, 1979
    • Adeleana forcarti Bott, 1969
    • Adeleana sumatrensis (Balss, 1934)
  • Arachnothelphusa Pkl Ng, 1991
  • Arbortelphusa Mitra, 2020
    • Arbortelphusa namdaphaensis Mitra, 2020
  • Arcithelphusa Pati & Suda Devi, 2015
    • Arcithelphusa cochleariformis Pati & Suda Devi, 2015
    • Arcithelphusa tumpikkai Pati, Sujila & Sudha Devi, 2019
  • Austrothelphusa Bott, 1969
  • Bakousa P.K.L.Ng, 1995
  • Balssiathelphusa Bott, 1969
  • Baratha Bahir & Yeo, 2007
    • Baratha peena Bahir & Yeo, 2007
    • Baratha pushta Bahir & Yeo, 2007
  • Barusa Pati & Yeo, 2022
  • 沉泉蟹属 Barytelphusa Alcock, 1909
  • Barythelphusa
  • Borneosa Ng & Grinang, 2022
  • Ceylonthelphusa Bott, 1969
  • Clinothelphusa P.K.L.Ng & Tay, 2001
  • Coccusa S.H.Tan & P.K.L.Ng, 1998
  • Currothelphusa P.K.L.Ng, 1990
  • Cylindrotelphusa Alcock, 1909
  • Cylindrothelphusa
  • Esanthelphusa Naiyanetr, 1994
  • Gecarcinucus H.Milne Edwards, 1844
  • Geelvinkia Bott, 1974
  • Geithusa P.K.L.Ng, 1989
  • 高止山蟹属 Ghatiana Pati & R.M.Sharma, 2014
  • Globitelphusa Alcock, 1909
  • Gubernatoria
  • Gubernatoriana Bott, 1970
  • Guinothusa Yeo & P.K.L.Ng, 2010
  • Heterothelphusa P.K.L.Ng & Lim, 1986
  • Holthuisana Bott, 1969
  • Inglethelphusa Bott, 1970
  • Irmengardia Bott, 1969
  • Kani AB Kumar, Raj & Pkl Ng, 2017
    • Kani maranjandu AB Kumar, Raj & Pkl Ng, 2017[4]
  • Karkata Pati, Rajesh, Raj, Sheeja, Biju Kumar & Sureshan, 2017
  • Lamella Bahir & Yeo, 2007
  • Lepidopthelphusa Colosi, 1920
  • Lepidothelphusa Colosi, 1920
    • Lepidothelphusa cognettii (Nobili, 1903)
    • Lepidothelphusa flavochela Grinang & Ng, 2015
    • Lepidothelphusa limau Grinang & Ng, 2015
    • Lepidothelphusa loi Grinang & Ng, 2015
    • Lepidothelphusa menneri Ng & Wowor. 2024 [5]
    • Lepidothelphusa padawan Grinang & Ng, 2015
    • Lepidothelphusa sangon Grinang & Ng, 2015
  • Liotelphusa Alcock, 1909
  • Mahatha P.K.L.Ng & Tay, 2001
  • Mainitia Bott, 1969
  • 梅氏泉蟹属 Maydelliathelphusa Bott, 1969
  • 湄公泉蟹属 Mekhongthelphusa Naiyanetr, 1994
  • Migmathelphusa O.K.S.Chia & P.K.L.Ng, 2006
  • Nautilothelphusa Balss, 1933
  • Niasathelphusa P.K.L.Ng, 1991
  • Occulthusa P.K.L.Ng & Wowor, 2018
  • 奥兹蟹属 Oziotelphusa F Müller, 1887
  • Oziothelphusa
  • Paratelphusa Zehntner, 1894
  • Parathelphusa H.Milne Edwards, 1853
  • Pastilla P.K.L.Ng & Tay, 2001
  • Perbrinckia Bott, 1969
  • Perithelphusa De Man, 1899
  • 褶皱蟹属 Phricotelphusa Alcock, 1909
  • Pilarta Bahir & Yeo, 2007
  • 公主泉蟹属 Rajathelphusa Raj, AB Kumar & Pkl Ng, 2021
  • Rouxana Bott, 1969
  • Sahyadriana Pati & Thackeray, 2018
  • 萨兰加蟹属 Salangathelphusa Bott, 1968
  • Sartoriana Bott, 1969
  • 暹罗蟹属 Sayamia Naiyanetr, 1994
  • Sendleria Bott, 1969
  • Siamthelphusa Bott, 1968
  • Snaha Bahir & Yeo, 2007
  • Sodhiana Yeo & P.K.L.Ng, 2012
  • 束腰蟹属 Somanniathelphusa Bott, 1968
  • Spiralothelphusa Bott, 1968
  • Stygothelphusa P.K.L.Ng, 1989
    • Stygothelphusa antu Ng & Grinang, 2014
    • Stygothelphusa bidiensis (Lanchester, 1900)
    • Stygothelphusa cranbrooki Ng, 2013
    • Stygothelphusa nobilii (Colosi, 1920)
  • 巽他蟹属 Sundathelphusa Bott, 1969
  • Syntripsa O.K.S.Chia & P.K.L.Ng, 2006
    • Syntripsa flavichela Chia & Ng, 2006
    • Syntripsa matannensis (Schenkel, 1902)
  • 地泉蟹属 Terrathelphusa P.K.L.Ng, 1989
  • Thaksinthelphusa P.K.L.Ng & Naiyanetr, 1993
  • Thelphusula Bott, 1969
  • Torhusa P.K.L.Ng, 1997
  • Travancoriana Bott, 1969
  • Vanni Bahir & Yeo, 2007
  • Vela Bahir & Yeo, 2007



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