《玩命關頭5:電影原聲帶》(英語:Fast Five: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) 是《玩命關頭5》的電影配樂,2011年4月25日在iTunes上發布。 2011年5月3日發布了它CD。 Also featured as background music in the film, Euphon's
(原始内容存档于2012-01-16). Oklahoma Film Critics Circle names "The Artist" best film of 2011. Oklahoma Film Critics Circle. December 23, 2011 [2012年7月6日]. (原始内容存档于2012-01-21)
which were 64 percent female. Fortunately, the film cost a modest $30 million to produce. 'The Five Year Engagement' (2012). Box Office Mojo. [2022-01-15]