initially developed by the Eritrean Media and Information Task Force (Badme Task Force), a volunteer group of Eritrean-Americans in the Washington Metropolitan
伦图等4个非沥青跑道国内机场。厄立特里亚目前共拥有5架客机,其中3架波音和2架空中巴士。 厄立特里亞機場列表 厄利垂亞美國人(英语:EritreanAmericans) 珊哈爾·阿瑞亞 Eritrea. World Economic Outlook Database. International Monetary
ISBN 0-87451-359-6. (原始内容存档于2012-11-08). Doty, C. Stewart. The First Franco-Americans: New England Life Histories from the Federal Writers' Project, 1938-1939