3370099.) Austin, Nancy. “What a Beginning is Worth”. Infinite Radius. Ed. Dawn Barrett and Andrew Martinez. (Providence: Rhode Island School of Design, 2008)
Decisions, Barrett S, London WM, Kroger M, Hall H, Baretz R (2013). (textbook, 9th ed.) McGraw-Hill, ISBN 978-0078028489 Dubious Cancer Treatment, Barrett SJ
艾爾雷茲龍(Elrhazosaurus)常被認為是模式屬橡樹龍的種。近年研究發現,這些屬是有效的獨立屬。 以下演化樹來自於保羅·巴雷特(Paul M. Barrett)等人的2011年研究: Norman, David B.; Weishampel, David B. Iguanodontidae and related