Benyamina,1980年11月30日—),出生於法國埃松省维里-沙蒂永,是一位電影編劇兼導演。 2016年的第69屆坎城影展,她以《神聖(法语:Divines)》獲得金攝影機獎,次年獲得三項凱薩電影獎,包含《最佳處女作(法语:César du meilleur premier film)獎》,該部電影獲獎後由Netflix買下版權。
Biographical Sketches of Pioneers, Soldiers, Jurists, Lawyers, Statesmen, Divines, Mechanics, Farmers, Merchants, and Other Leading Men, of All Occupations
Ethereal Library) Westminster Assembly. The humble advice of the Assembly of Divines, now by authority of Parliament sitting at Westminster, concerning a confession
Commercial: with the Several Systems, Sects, Opinions, etc; among Philosophers, Divines, Mathematicians, Physicians, Antiquaries, Criticks, etc.: The Whole Intended