汽車聯盟公司(Auto Union AG)創立於1932年,是由四家德國汽車廠牌合併而成,並在1936年在薩克森肯尼茲正式成立。它是德國汽車大廠奧迪(Audi AG)的前身。 汽車聯盟除了作為擁有四個組成品牌(Audi、Horch、DKW、Wanderer)的公司外,汽車聯盟更以它的賽車團隊而聞名於世。汽車聯盟賽車部門(Auto
of the Nuclear Arsenal in a Disintegrating Soviet Union (1991) Beyond Spinoff: Military and Commercial Technologies in a Changing World (1992) A New Concept
look below the surface of the gum beds to find oil and to realize its commercial potential, but the timing of his discovery was perfect. Vassiliou, Marius