病理解剖學anatomy),又称解剖病理学(Anatomic pathology ),是一门旨在通过对组织与体液样本进行剖检(英语:Gross examination)、镜检、生化学检查、免疫学检查等分析检查达到诊断疾病目的学科,与临床病理学(英语:Clinical pathology
弗朗茨·齐尔 Isaac H. Clinical Performance of Mycobacterial Immunohistochemistry in Anatomic Pathology Specimens. American Journal of Clinical Pathology . 2021, 155
弗里德里希·尼尔森Isaac H. Clinical Performance of Mycobacterial Immunohistochemistry in Anatomic Pathology Specimens. American Journal of Clinical Pathology . 2021, 155
肉芽肿retrospective study of 500 cases from seven countries. Journal of Clinical Pathology . Jan 2012, 65 (1): 51–57. PMID 22011444. doi:10.1136/jclinpath-2011-200336
泛T細胞抗原 particularly CD7, in acute infectious mononucleosis.. American journal of clinical pathology . 2003-07, 120 (1): 49–55. PMID 12866372. doi:10.1309/VC7M-24UC-5VG7-EUEC