明威與福克納的唯一後繼者。2009年獲美國筆會頒發索爾·貝婁文學終生成就獎。 The Orchard Keeper Outer Dark ChildofGod Suttree 《血色子午线》(Blood Meridian),為時代雜誌百大英文小說。 《天下駿馬》(All the Pretty Horses)
clothed with Christ; washed clean of sin; a forgiven, believing childofGod; an heir of eternal life." Beliefs of other Church. WELS Topical Q&A. Wisconsin
Is Finished the Mystery ofGod" (1969) "Babylon the Great Has Fallen!" God's Kingdom Rules! (1963) Commentary on the Letter of James (1979) 《耶和华见证人-宣扬上帝的王国》