坦沃塔玛尼Peter A. Clayton, Chronicle of the Pharaohs: The Reign -by-Reign Record of the Rulers and Dynasties of Ancient Egypt, Thames and Hudson
塔哈尔卡Clayton, Peter A. Chronicle of the Pharaohs: The Reign -by-Reign Record of the Rulers and Dynasties of Ancient Egypt. Thames & Hudson
拉蒂法女皇1989: All Hail the Queen 1991: Nature of a Sista 1993: Black Reign 1998: Order in the Court 2004: The Dana Owens Album 2007: Trav'lin' Light
民谣金属 Metsatöll Midnattsol Moonsorrow 夜愿(Nightwish) Nokturnal Mortum Otyg Pagan Reign Primordial Rudra Storm Skyclad Skyforger Subway to Sally Turisas Thyrfing
南苏丹万岁! For peace, liberty and justice Shall forever more reign . So Lord! Bless South Sudan! 3 Oh black warriors Let us stand up in silence and respect. Saluting