not clear, historians suggest dynastic familial linkages to the ruling Achaemenid dynasty in Persia. Garsoian 2005. Allsen 2011,第37頁. Sartre 2005,第23頁.
Caravansarais: A Display of Iranian-Islamic Architecture. Naame Anjoman. 2006, 24. Naraghi, Hasan. The Traces of Achaemenid Civilization in the Works of Safavid
皇帝接見大廳。 聖所(祭祀者登上此平台從事儀式) 伊朗歷史 伊朗建築(英语:Iranian architecture) 居魯士二世 波斯帝國成立2500周年慶典 阿契美尼德建築(英语:Achaemenidarchitecture) 古代近東城市清單(英语:List of cities of the ancient
波斯波里斯足球俱樂部 蘇薩宮(英语:Palace of Darius in Susa),與波斯波利斯同期興建的宮殿 阿契美尼德式建築(英语:Achaemenidarchitecture) 納克歇-洛斯塔姆 帕薩爾加德 貝希斯敦銘文 伊什塔克爾 Template:加達姆加赫 (古蹟地點) Template:近東古城清單
Orontids, a powerful Iranian family that had ruled the area during the Achaemenid period. They were related to the Achaemenids who had built a kingdom (