2007年美国空军核武器事件发生于2007年8月29日至30日。美国空军6枚装配了W80-1可变当量核弹头的AGM-129先进巡航导弹误挂到一架将从北达科他州米诺特空军基地(Minot Air Force Base)飞往路易斯安那州巴克斯代尔空军基地(Barksdale Air Force Base)的B-52H重型轰炸机上。根据相关的安全守则,将导弹从弹药库取出之前就已应卸下这些核弹头。36小时内,装配了核弹头的导弹脱离了种种核武器强制性的安保措施保护,更一直无人发现这批核弹头失踪。[1]
美国国防科学委员会(U.S. Defense Science Board)以及美国空军的一个蓝带委员会(Blue-Ribbon Panel)的两个独立调查指出,过去国防部内部曾存在过对核武器处理操作程序的担忧,但是并没有发现核武器安全措施的任何漏洞,也没有有记录的操作失误。这一事件作为诱因之一,最终导致美国空军部长迈克尔·温(Michael Wynne)和空军参谋长迈克尔·莫斯利(T. Michael Moseley)于2008年6月5日双双辞职。为了加强核武器的管理控制,美国空军于2008年10月宣布将成立全球打击司令部(Air Force Global Strike Command),专门管理美国空军的所有战略轰炸机、核武器和相关军方人员。
Ricks, "Tough Punishment Expected for Warhead Errors", Baker, "Air Force Relieves Commanders Involved in Nuclear Weapons Incident," Air Force Link, "General Ronald E. Keys".
Warrick, "Missteps in the Bunker", USDoD, "DoD Press Briefing with Maj. Gen. Newton", Hoffman, "Wing decertified, COs sacked for nuke mistake", Pincus, "4 Colonels Lose Their Air Force Commands", Defense Science Board, "Report on Unauthorized Movement of Nuclear Weapons".
Pincus, "4 Colonels Lose Their Air Force Commands", Hoffman, "Wing decertified, COs sacked for nuke mistake", Warrick, "Missteps in the Bunker", USDoD, "DoD Press Briefing with Maj. Gen. Newton", Defense Science Board, "Report on Unauthorized Movement of Nuclear Weapons".
Warrick, "Missteps in the Bunker", Hoffman, "Wing decertified, COs sacked for nuke mistake", USDoD, "DoD Press Briefing with Maj. Gen. Newton", Pincus, "4 Colonels Lose Their Air Force Commands".
Dorfner, "After four decades, General Keys calls it a career", Gilmore, "Air Force Investigates Alleged Nuke Transfer, Pentagon Spokesman Says," Randolph, "Air Force releases B-52 munitions transfer investigation results", Warrick, "Missteps in the Bunker", USDoD, "DoD Press Briefing with Maj. Gen. Newton", USAF, "General Corley takes command of ACC", Hoffman, "Generals grilled on Minot nuclear mishap".
Holmes, "Minot bomb wing gets new commander Thursday", Hoffman, Michael, "Minot Nuke Handlers Still Not Ready For Inspection", Military Times, January 14, 2008.
Randolph, "Air Force releases B-52 munitions transfer investigation results", Hoffman, "Wing decertified, COs sacked for nuke mistake", "Baker, "Air Force Relieves Commanders Involved in Nuclear Weapons Incident," USDoD, "DoD Press Briefing with Maj. Gen. Newton", Pincus, "4 Colonels Lose Their Air Force Commands", Randolph, "Air Force releases B-52 munitions transfer investigation results".
Starr, "Air Force officers relieved of duty over loose nukes", USDoD, "DoD Press Briefing with Maj. Gen. Newton, Hoffman, Michael, "Minot Nuke Handlers Still Not Ready For Inspection", Military Times, January 14, 2008.
Pincus, "4 Colonels Lose Their Air Force Commands", USDoD, "DoD Press Briefing with Maj. Gen. Newton", Baker, "Air Force Relieves Commanders Involved in Nuclear Weapons Incident", Hoffman, "Wing decertified, COs sacked for nuke mistake", Hoffman, "Generals grilled on Minot nuclear mishap", Spiegel, "U.S. Nuclear Focus Has Dimmed, Studies Find".
Hoffman, Michael, "Minot Nuke Handlers Still Not Ready For Inspection", Military Times, January 14, 2008, MacPherson, "Minot chief sets bar high after nuke gaffe".