1716年當選的皇家學會會士列表 file on Google Docs via the Royal Society) Category:1716 in science (英语:Category:1716 in science ) Category:1716 in England(英语:Category:1716 in England)
柱頭 (花)of self-incompatibility in Brassica. Science . 1999, 286 (5445): 1697 –1700. PMID 10576728. doi:10.1126/science .286.5445.1697 . Takayama, S., H. Shiba
印度空间研究组织 vehicle technologies", Current Science , 93 (12): 1697 –1714, Bangalore: Indian Academy of Sciences. "India in Space", Science & Technology edited by N.N.
學徒UK, 2003 "The Higher Apprenticeship (HA) in Engineering Technology"; The Sector Skills Council for Science , Engineering and Manufacturing technologies
科學年表 in science ) 1692(英语:1692 in science ) 1693(英语:1693 in science ) 1694(英语:1694 in science ) 1695(英语:1695 in science ) 1696(英语:1696 in science ) 1697 (英语:1697