铠蝇科,又称甲蝇科,属于双翅目昆虫,共9属115种,主要分布于亚洲与非洲。 事实速览 铠蝇科, 科学分类 ... 铠蝇科 科学分类 界: 动物界 Animalia 门: 节肢动物门 Arthropoda 纲: 昆虫纲 Insecta 目: 双翅目 Diptera 总科: 缟蝇总科 Lauxanioidea 科: 铠蝇科 CelyphidaeBigot, 关闭 特征 铠蝇科属于中小型昆虫,前胸背板异常发达,在腹部形成有如甲虫翅鞘般的金属光泽保护壳。科名来自希腊文κέλνφος,意为“盾牌”。[2] 生态 目前对于该科物种的生态所知甚少。成虫喜栖居于河流附近的潮湿草丛,幼虫为腐食性。[3] 分类 Acelyphus属 (Malloch, 1929)[4] - 亚洲[5] Celyphus属 (Dalman, 1818)[1] - 非洲、亚洲[5] Subgenus Celyphus (Dalman, 1818) - 亚洲 Subgenus Hemiglobus (Frey, 1941)[6] - 非洲 Subgenus Paracelyphus (Bigot, 1859) - 亚洲 Chamaecelyphus属 (Frey, 1941)[6] - 非洲 Idiocelyphus属 (Malloch, 1929)[4] - 亚洲 Oocelyphus属 (Chen, 1949)[7] - 中国南部 Spaniocelyphus属 (Hendel, 1914)[8] - 非洲、亚洲 Atopocelyphus属 (Gaimari, 2017) - 法属几内亚[9] [1]Dalman, J. W. Nagra nya genera och species af insekter. Svenska VetenskAkad. Handl. 1818, 39 (3): 69–89. [2]Tenorio, Joann M. A revision of the Celyphidae (Diptera) of the Oriental Region*. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London. 2009-04-24, 123 (4): 359–453. ISSN 0035-8894. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2311.1972.tb00847.x (英语). [3]Tenoria, JoAnn M. A revision of the Celyphidae (Diptera) from the Philippine Islands (PDF). Pacific Insects. 1969, 11 (3–4): 579–611 [2019-08-16]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2021-01-18). [4]Malloch, J.R. Notes on some Oriental sapromyzid flies (Diptera), with particular reference to the Philippine species. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 1929, 74 (6): 1–97 [26 August 2017]. doi:10.5479/si.00963801.74-2751.1. (原始内容存档于2019-01-21). [5]Tenorio, JoAnn M. A Revision of the Celyphidae (DIPTERA) From the Philippine Islands (PDF). Pacific Insects (Hawaii Biological Survey). 1969, 11 (3–4): 579–611 [6 November 2012]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2021-01-18). [6]Frey, R. Die Gattungen und Arten der Dipteren familie Celyphidae. Notul. Entomol. 1941, 21: 3–16. 1 pl. [7]Chen, S. H. Records of Chinese Diopsidae and Celyphidae (Diptera). Sinensia. 1949, 10 (1–6): 1–6. [8]Hendel, F. . H. Sauter's Formosa-Ausbeute. Acalyptrate Musciden (Dipt.) III. Supplementa Entomologica. 1914, 3: 90–117. [9]Gaimari, Stephen D. The dipteran family Celyphidae in the New World, with discussion of and key to world genera (Insecta, Diptera). ZooKeys. 2017-10-23, (711): 113–130. ISSN 1313-2970. PMC 5674188 . PMID 29134031. doi:10.3897/zookeys.711.20840 (英语). Wikiwand - on Seamless Wikipedia browsing. On steroids.