据2001年人口普查显示,波兰裔立陶宛人有约80%以波兰语为母语,9.5%以俄语为母语,7.3%以立陶宛语为母语[23]。部分波兰媒体(英语:Mass media in Poland)与政治人物认为波兰裔立陶宛人受到歧视,批评立陶宛拒绝在波兰裔集中的地区设立立陶宛语与波兰语的双语路牌[24]。立陶宛宪法规定所有公民都需以立陶宛文书写自己的名字,并使用立陶宛语发音,因此波兰裔在正式文件中也需使用立陶宛化的姓名。2011年4月欧洲议会接受了一项关于波兰裔立陶宛人语言权利的提案(0358/2011提案)[25],同年波兰前总统莱赫·瓦文萨也批评立陶宛政府对波兰裔立陶宛人有差别待遇,并因此拒绝接受立陶宛颁授的维陶塔斯大帝勋章[26]。
Editors: Gintautas Surgailis; Algirdas Ažubalis; Grzegorz Blaszyk; Pranas Jankauskas; Eriks Jekabsons; Waldemar Rezmer; et al. Karo archyvas XVIII. Karo Archyvas (Vilnius: Generolo Jono Žemaičio Lietuvos karo akademija). 2003: 188–189. ISSN 1392-6489(立陶宛语).
MacQueen, Michael. The Context of Mass Destruction: Agents and Prerequisites of the Holocaust in Lithuania. Holocaust and Genocide Studies. 1998, 12 (1): 22–48. doi:10.1093/hgs/12.1.27. The irredentist campaign tainted Lithuanian society with currents of hatred and revenge directed against the Poles. In fact, the largest social organization in interwar Lithuania was the League for the Liberation of Vilnius(英语:League for the Liberation of Vilnius) (Vilniaus Vadavimo Safunga, or WS), which trumpeted the irredentist line in its magazine "Our Vilnius" (Mūsų Vilnius).
Valerijus Čekmonas, Laima Grumadaitė Kalbų paplitimas rytų Lietuvoje (The distribution of the languages in the east of Lithuania) in Lietuvos rytai; straipsnių rinkinys (The east of Lithuania; the collection of the articles) Vilnius 1993; p. 132; ISBN9986-09-002-4
Understanding Ethnic Violence: Fear, Hatred, and Resentment in Twentieth-century Eastern Europe, Cambridge University Press, 2002, ISBN0-521-00774-7, Roger Dale Petersen, Google Print, p.153 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)