爱德华·冯·哈特曼(德语:Karl Robert Eduard von Hartmann 1842年2月23日—1906年6月5日)是一名德国哲学家,主张宇宙本体是“无意识”,在伦理学上坚持悲观主义,主要著作为1869年的《无意识的哲学(英语:Philosophy of the Unconscious)》(Philosophy of the Unconscious )。
卡尔·荣格 ([1959] 1969). The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious, Collected Works, Volume 9, Part 1, Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. ISBN0-691-01833-2, par. 259: "Although various philosophers, among them Leibniz, Kant, and Schelling, had already pointed very clearly to the problem of the dark side of the psyche, it was a physician who felt impelled, from his scientific and medical experience, to point to the unconscious as the essential basis of the psyche. This was C. G. Carus, the authority whom Eduard von Hartmann followed."