维基媒体列表条目 来自维基百科,自由的百科全书
此条目翻译品质不佳。 (2018年6月9日) |
处方缩写词列表[1] | ||||
缩写 | 拉丁文 | 中文 | 英文 | 注释 |
aa | ana | 每,各 | of each | |
AAA | 用于治疗部位 | apply to affected area | ||
a.c. | ante cibum | 饭前 | before meals | |
a.d. | auris dextra | 右耳 | right ear | "a"形似"o",因此该词可能被误读为"o.d.",即右眼 |
ad lib. | ad libitum | 随意,任意量 | use as much as one desires; freely | |
admov. | admove | 用于 | apply | |
agit | agita | stir/shake | ||
alt. h. | alternis horis | 每隔1小时;每2小时 | every other hour | 也写作a.h. |
a.m.m. | ad manu medicae | at doctors hand | ||
a.m. | ante meridiem | 上午 | morning, before noon | |
amp | 安瓿 | ampule | ||
amt | 数量 | amount | ||
aq | aqua | 水 | water | |
a.l., a.s. | auris laeva, auris sinistra | 左耳 | left ear | "a"形似"o",因此该词可能被误读为"o.s."或"o.l.",即左眼 |
A.T.C. | 昼夜不停,24小时连续 | around the clock | ||
a.u. | auris utraque | 双耳 | both ears | "a"形似"o",因此该词可能被误读为"o.u.",即双眼 |
bis | bis | 两次 | twice | |
b.d./b.i.d. | bis in die | 每天两次 | twice daily | |
B.M. | 排便 | bowel movement | ||
BNF | 英国国家药典 | British National Formulary (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | ||
bol. | bolus | 大剂量给药(通常是静脉注射) | as a large single dose (usually intravenously) | |
B.S. | 血糖 | blood sugar | ||
B.S.A | 体表面积 | body surface areas | ||
b.t. | 就寝时间,临睡前 | bedtime | 可能与 "b.i.d"(一日两次)混淆 | |
BUCC | bucca | 颊内 | inside cheek | |
cap., caps. | capsula | 胶囊 | capsule | |
c, c. | cum | 与...(常写作c̄) | with (usually written with a bar on top of the "c") | |
cib. | cibus | 食物 | food | |
cc | cum cibo | 与食物(也用作表示毫升) | with food, (but also cubic centimetre) | 手写体形似"U"(小写),即单位。cc亦有立方厘米/毫升的意思;在这种情况下应使用"mL"或"milliliters" |
cf | 与食物 | with food | ||
comp. | 复方 | compound | ||
cr., crm | 乳膏;霜剂 | cream | ||
CST | 继续同样治疗 | Continue same treatment | ||
D 或 d | 天,或者 剂 | days or doses | 存在歧义。
建议处方中写明"days"(天) 或者 "doses"(剂) | |
D5W | 5%葡萄糖溶液 | dextrose 5% solution (sometimes written as D5W) | ||
D5NS | 含5%葡萄糖的生理盐水 | dextrose 5% in normal saline (0.9%) | ||
D.A.W. | 按所写(医嘱)配药 | dispense as written (i.e., no generic substitution) | ||
dc, D/C, disc | 中断 或 排出 | discontinue or discharge | 有歧义 | |
dieb. alt. | diebus alternis | 每隔一天;每2天 | every other day | |
dil. | 稀释的 | dilute | ||
disp. | 配药 | dispersible or dispense | ||
div. | 分次...(服用) | divide | ||
dL | 分升 | deciliter | ||
d.t.d. | dentur tales doses | 给予同剂量 | give of such doses | |
DTO | 去味鸦片酊剂 | deodorized tincture of opium | 很容易与“稀释的鸦片酊剂”混淆,后者的强度是去味鸦片酊剂的1/25;可能导致药物过量 | |
D.W. | 蒸馏水 | distilled water | ||
elix. | 酏剂 | elixir | ||
e.m.p. | ex modo prescripto | 按照指示,按处方处理 | as directed | |
emuls. | emulsum | 乳剂 | emulsion | |
et | et | 并且 | and | |
eod | 每隔一天 | every other day | ||
ex aq | ex aqua | 水中 | in water | |
fl., fld. | 液 | fluid | ||
ft. | fiat | 任其发生,顺其自然 | make; let it be made | |
g | 克 | gram | ||
gr | 格令 | grain | ||
gtt(s) | gutta(e) | 滴 | drop(s) | |
H | 皮,皮下注射 | hypodermic | ||
h, hr | hora | 小时 | hour | |
h.s. | hora somni | 就寝时 | at bedtime | |
h.s | 睡眠时 或 半强度 | hour sleep or half-strength | 存在歧义 | |
ID | 皮肤的 | intradermal | ||
IJ, inj | injectio | 注射 | injection | 易讹作"IV"(静脉注射) |
IM | 肌肉注射 | intramuscular (with respect to injections) | ||
IN | 鼻内 | intranasal | 易讹作"IM"(肌肉注射)或"IV"(静脉注射) | |
IP | 腹膜内的 | intraperitoneal | ||
IU | 国际单位制 | en:international unit | 易讹作"IV"(静脉注射),建议拼写出"international unit" | |
IV | 静脉治疗 | intravenous | ||
IVP | 静脉推注 | intravenous push | ||
IVPB | intravenous piggyback | |||
kg | 千克 | kilogram | ||
L.A.S. | label as such | |||
LCD | 煤焦油 | coal tar solution | ||
lin | linimentum | 搽剂 | liniment | |
liq | liquor | 溶液,液体 | solution | |
lot. | 洗剂 | lotion | ||
MAE | 活动四肢 | Moves All Extremities | ||
mane | mane | 晨时 | in the morning | |
M. | misce | 混合 | mix | |
m, min | minimum | 最小值 | a minimum | |
mcg | 微克 | en:microgram | 建议替换为"μg",因为该缩写可能与“mg”(毫克)混淆 | |
m.d.u. | more dicto utendus | 按照指示使用 | to be used as directed | |
mEq | 毫当量 | milliequivalent | ||
mg | 毫克 | milligram | ||
mg/dL | 毫克/分升 | milligrams per deciliter | ||
MgSO4 | 硫酸镁 | en:magnesium sulfate | may be confused with "MSO4", spell out "magnesium sulfate" | |
mist. | mistura | 混合 | mix | |
mitte | mitte | 发送 | send | |
mL | 毫升 | millilitre | ||
MS | 硫酸吗啡 或 硫酸镁 | en:morphine sulfate or en:magnesium sulfate | can mean either morphine sulfate or magnesium sulfate, spell out either | |
MSO4 | 硫酸吗啡 | en:morphine sulfate | may be confused with "硫酸镁", spell out "morphine sulfate" | |
nebul | nebula | 喷雾 | a spray | |
N.M.T. | 不超过 | not more than | ||
noct. | nocte | 夜里 | at night | |
non rep. | non repetatur | 不重复 | no repeats | |
NPO | nil per os | 禁食,禁饮水 | nothing by mouth | |
NS | 生理盐水 | normal saline (0.9%) | ||
1/2NS | 半浓度生理盐水 | half normal saline (0.45%) | ||
N.T.E. | 不超过 | not to exceed | ||
o_2 | 双眼 | both eyes, sometimes written as o2 | ||
od | omne in die | 每天 | every day/once daily (preferred to qd in the UK[2]) | |
od | oculus dexter | 右眼 | right eye | "o"形似"a",因此该词可能被误读为"a.d.",即右耳,confusion with omne in die |
om | omne mane | 每天上午(晨时) | every morning | |
on | omne nocte | 每夜 | every night | |
o.p.d. | 每天一次 | once per day | ||
o.s. | oculus sinister | 左眼 | left eye | "o"形似"a",因此该词可能被误读为"a.s.",即左耳 |
o.u. | oculus uterque | 双眼 | both eyes | "o"形似"a",因此该词可能被误读为"a.u.",即双耳 |
oz | 盎司 | en:ounce | ||
per | per | 经;通过 | by or through | |
p.c. | post cibum | 饭后 | after meals | |
pig./pigm. | pigmentum | 涂剂 | paint | |
p.m. | post meridiem | 下午与晚上 | evening or afternoon | |
p.o. | per os | 经口,口服 | by mouth or orally | |
p.r. | per rectum | 经直肠 | by rectum | |
PRN, prn | pro re nata | 按需 | as needed | |
pulv. | pulvis | 散剂 | powder | |
PV | per vaginam | 经阴道 | via the vagina | |
q | quaque | 每,各 | every, per | |
q.a.d. | quaque alternis die | 每隔一天 | every other day | |
q.a.m. | quaque die ante meridiem | 每天午前 | every day before noon | |
q.d.s. | quater die sumendus | 每天四次 | four times a day | can be mistaken for "qd" (every day) |
q.p.m. | quaque die post meridiem | 每天下午或每晚 | every day after noon or every evening | |
q.h. | quaque hora | 每小时 | every hour | |
q.h.s. | quaque hora somni | 每夜就寝时 | every night at bedtime | |
q.1 h, q.1° | quaque 1 hora | 每小时(可用其它数字替换"1") | every 1 hour; (can replace "1" with other numbers) | |
q.d., q1d | quaque die | 每天 | every day | mistaken for "QOD" or "qds," spell out "every day" or "daily" |
q.i.d. | quater in die | 每天四次 | four times a day | can be mistaken for "qd" or "qod," write out "four times a day" |
q4PM | 下午4时 | at 4pm | mistaken to mean every four hours | |
q.o.d. | quaque ommi die | 每隔一天;每两天 | every other day | mistaken for "QD," spell out "every other day" |
qqh | quater quaque hora | 每四小时 | every four hours | |
q.s. | quantum sufficiat | 足够量 | a sufficient quantity | |
QWK | 每周 | every week | ||
R | 直肠 | rectal | ||
rep., rept. | repetatur | 重复 | repeats | |
RL, R/L | 乳酸林格氏液 | en:Ringer's lactate | ||
s | sine | 没有... | without (usually written with a bar on top of the "s") | |
s.a. | secundum artem | 按常规 | according to the art (accepted practice); use your judgement | |
SC, subc, subcut, subq, SQ | 皮下 | subcutaneous | "SC" can be mistaken for "SL," meaning sublingual; "SQ" can be mistaken for "5Q" meaning five every dose | |
s.i.d/SID | semel in die | 每天一次 | once a day | used exclusively in veterinary medicine |
sig | signa | write on label | ||
SL | 舌下 | sublingually, under the tongue | ||
sol | solutio | 溶液 | solution | |
s.o.s., si op. sit | si opus sit | 需要时 | if there is a need | |
ss | semis | one half or sliding scale | mistaken for "55" or "1/2" | |
SSI, SSRI | sliding scale insulin or sliding scale regular en:insulin | mistaken to mean "strong en:solution of en:iodine" or "en:selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor" | ||
SNRI (antidepressant) | 5-羟色胺/去甲肾上腺素再摄取抑制剂(抗抑郁) | Serotonin–norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor | ||
SSRI (antidepressant) | 抗抑郁的选择性5-羟色胺再吸收抑制剂 | selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (a specific class of antidepressant) | ||
stat | statim | 立即 | immediately | |
SubQ | 皮下 | subcutaneously | ||
supp | suppositorium | 栓剂 | en:suppository | |
susp | 混悬剂 | suspension | ||
syr | syrupus | 糖浆剂 | syrup | |
tab | tabella | 片剂 | tablet | |
tal., t | talus | such | ||
tbsp | 汤匙 | en:tablespoon | ||
troche | trochiscus | 锭剂 | lozenge | |
t.d.s. | ter die sumendum | 每天三次 | three times a day | |
t.i.d. | ter in die | 每天三次 | three times a day | |
t.i.w. | 每周三次 | three times a week | mistaken for twice a week | |
top. | 局部的 | topical | ||
T.P.N. | 全肠外营养 | en:total parenteral nutrition | ||
tr, tinc., tinct. | 酊剂 | tincture | ||
tsp | 1茶匙(约5毫升) | en:teaspoon | ||
U | 度量单位 | unit | mistaken for a "4", "0" or "cc", spell out "unit" | |
u.d., ut. dict. | ut dictum | 作为指示 | as directed | |
ung. | unguentum | 软膏 | ointment | |
U.S.P. | 美国药典 | en:United States Pharmacopoeia | ||
vag | 阴道的 | vaginally | ||
w | 与 | with | ||
w/a | 醒时 | while awake | ||
wf | 与食物 | with food (with meals) | ||
w/o | 没有... | without | ||
X | 次数 | times | ||
Y.O. | 年龄 | years old | ||
μg | 微克 | en:microgram | mistaken for "mg", meaning en:milligram | |
处方中使用的符号列表 | ||||
符号 | 拉丁文 | 中文 | 英文 | 注释 |
@ | 在 | at | mistaken for "2"; spell out "at" | |
> | 大于 | greater than | mistaken for a "7" | |
< | 小于 | less than | mistaken for an "L" | |
℞ | recipe | 处方 | take, take this, or take thus |
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