ATC代码D04(止痒药,含抗组胺药、麻醉药等)是解剖学治疗学及化学分类系统的一个药物分组,这是由世界卫生组织药物统计方法整合中心(The WHO Collaborating Centre for Drug Statistics Methodology)所制定的药品及其它医用产品的官方分类系统。分组D04是D皮肤病的一部分。[1]

Quick Facts ATC代码, D 皮肤科用药 ...
D 皮肤科用药
D01 皮肤病用抗真菌药

Antifungals for dermatological use)

D02 润肤剂及保护剂

(Emollients and protectives)

D03 治疗创伤溃疡制剂

(Preparations for treatment of wounds and ulcers

D04 止痒药(包括抗组胺药麻醉剂等)

Antipruritics, including antihistamines, anesthetics, etc.)

D05 抗银屑病药


D06 皮肤病用抗生素化学治疗药

(Antibiotics and chemotherapeutics for dermatological use)

D07 皮质类固醇皮肤科制剂

(Corticosteroids, dermatological preparations)

D08 消毒剂杀菌剂

Antiseptics and disinfectants)

D09 医用敷料

Medicated dressings


(Anti-acne preparations)

D11 其它皮肤科制剂

(Other dermatological preparations)

QD51 治疗制剂

(Products for the treatment of claws and hoofs)





D04A 止痒药,含抗组胺药、麻醉药等(Antipruritics, including antihistamines, anesthetics, etc.)

D04AA 局部用抗组胺药(Antihistamines for topical use)

D04AA01 松齐拉敏(Thonzylamine)
D04AA02 美吡拉敏(Mepyramine)
D04AA03 西那利定(Thenalidine)
D04AA04 曲吡那敏(Tripelennamine)
D04AA09 氯吡拉敏(Chloropyramine)
D04AA10 异丙嗪(Promethazine)
D04AA12 托普帕敏(Tolpropamine)
D04AA13 二甲茚定(Dimetindene)
D04AA14 氯马斯汀(Clemastine)
D04AA15 巴米品(Bamipine)
D04AA22 异西喷地(Isothipendyl)
D04AA32 苯海拉明(Diphenhydramine)
D04AA33 甲溴苯海拉明(Diphenhydramine methylbromide)
D04AA34 氯苯沙明(Chlorphenoxamine)

D04AB 局部麻醉药(Anesthetics for topical use)

D04AB01 利多卡因(Lidocaine)
D04AB02 辛可卡因(Cinchocaine)
D04AB03 奥布卡因(Oxybuprocaine)
D04AB04 苯佐卡因(Benzocaine)
D04AB05 奎尼卡因(Quinisocaine)
D04AB06 丁卡因(Tetracaine)
D04AB07 普莫卡因(Pramocaine)
QD04AB51 利多卡因,复方(Lidocaine, combinations)

D04AX 其它止痒药(Other antipruritics)


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