
Quick Facts 蜣蝇科, 科学分类 ...
科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 节肢动物门 Arthropoda
纲: 昆虫纲 Insecta
目: 双翅目 Diptera
亚目: 短角亚目 Brachycera
下目: 家蝇下目 Muscomorpha
演化支 Eremoneura Eremoneura
演化支 环裂类 Cyclorrhapha
派: 有缝派 Schizophora
亚派: 无瓣亚派 Acalyptratae
总科: 果实蝇总科 Tephritoidea
科: 蜣蝇科 Pyrgotidae





  • Acropyrgota Hendel, 1914
  • 适蜣蝇属 Adapsilia Waga, 1842
  • Adapsona Paramonov, 1958
  • Allopyrgota Aczél, 1956
  • Anapyrgota Steyskal, 1967
  • Apyrgota Hendel, 1908
  • Austromyia Hardy, 1954
  • Boreothrinax Steyskal, 1978
  • Campylocera Macquart, 1843
  • Cardiacera Macquart, 1847
  • Carrerapyrgota Aczél, 1956
  • Clemaxia Enderlein, 1942
  • Commoniella Paramonov, 1958
  • Congopyrgota Aczél, 1958
  • Descoleia Aczél, 1956
  • Diasteneura Hendel, 1908
  • Dicrostira Enderlein, 1942
  • Epice Paramonov, 1958
  • Epicerella Macquart, 1851
  • Eumorphomyia Hendel, 1907
  • Euphya
  • Eupyrgota Coquillett, 1898
  • Euthioza Enderlein, 1942
  • Facilina Paramonov, 1958
  • Frontalia Malloch, 1929
  • Furciseta Aczél, 1956
  • Geloemyia Hendel, 1908
  • Hendelpyrgota Vanschuytbroeck, 1963
  • Hypotyphla Loew, 1873
  • Hypotyphlina
  • Idiopyrgota Aczél, 1956
  • Korneyevia Koçak & Kemal, 2009
  • Leptopyrgota Hendel, 1914
  • Lopadops Enderlein, 1942
  • Lygiohypotyphala
  • Lygiohypotyphla Enderlein, 1942
  • Maenomenus Bezzi, 1929
  • Metropina Enderlein, 1942
  • Musgravena Paramonov, 1958
  • Neopyrgota Hendel, 1934
  • Neotoxura Malloch, 1929
  • Nicholsonia Malloch, 1929
  • Nosferatumyia Korneyev & Norrbom, 2006
  • Osa Paramonov, 1958
  • Oxycephala Macquart, 1843
  • Paradapsilia Chen, 1947
  • 近硬蜣蝇属 Parageloemyia Hendel, 1934
  • Paragelomyia
  • Paratoxura Paramonov, 1958
  • Parepicerella Hendel, 1934
  • Peltodasia Enderlein, 1942
  • Platynostira Enderlein, 1942
  • Plectrobrachis Enderlein, 1942
  • Porpedrum Enderlein, 1942
  • Porpomastix Enderlein, 1942
  • Prodalmannia Bezzi, 1929
  • Prohypotyphala
  • Prohypotyphla Hendel, 1934
  • Prosyrogaster Rondani, 1875
  • Pyrgella Paramonov, 1958
  • 蜣蝇属 Pyrgota Wiedemann, 1830
  • Pyrgotella Curran, 1934
  • Pyrgotina Malloch, 1929
  • Pyrgotomyia Hendel, 1934
  • Pyrgotosoma Malloch, 1933
  • Ramyliseta Keiser, 1951
  • Rhagostira Enderlein, 1942
  • 华丛芒蝇属 Sinolochmostylia Yang, 1995
  • Siridapha Enderlein, 1942
  • Sphecomyiella Hendel, 1933
  • Stenopyrgota Malloch, 1929
  • Stirothrinax Enderlein, 1942
  • Taeniomastix Enderlein, 1942
  • Tephritocampylocera Hendel, 1934
  • Tephritohypotyphla Vanschuytbroeck, 1963
  • Tephritopygrota ,异名: Tephritopyrgota Hendel, 1914
  • Teretrura Bigot, 1885
  • Toxopyrgota Hendel, 1917
  • Toxura Macquart, 1851
  • Travassomyia de Souza Lopes, 1935
  • Trichempodia Malloch, 1930
  • Trichopeltia Enderlein, 1942
  • Tropidothrinax Enderlein, 1942
  • Tylotrypes Bezzi, 1914


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