Nguồn khoa học:
- Ocean acidification due to increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide, report by the Royal Society (UK)
- AR4 WG1 Chapter 5: Oceanic Climate Change and Sea Level Lưu trữ 2017-05-13 tại Wayback Machine, IPCC
- State of the Science FACT SHEET: Ocean acidification Lưu trữ 2011-07-15 tại Wayback Machine, NOAA
- Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center Lưu trữ 2011-08-14 tại Wayback Machine (CDIAC), the primary data analysis center of the Hoa Kỳ Department of Energy (located at Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Ocean acidification introduction Lưu trữ 2011-07-22 tại Wayback Machine, USGS
- Climate change threatening the Southern Ocean Lưu trữ 2009-12-31 tại Wayback Machine, report by CSIRO
- The Ocean in a High CO
2 World, an international science symposium series
- The Acid Ocean – the Other Problem with CO
2 Emission, David Archer, a RealClimate discussion
- Task Force on Ocean Acidification in the Pacific Lưu trữ 2007-06-07 tại Wayback Machine, including recent presentations on ocean acidification, Pacific Science Association
- Ocean Acidification Lưu trữ 2011-07-24 tại Wayback Machine, a multimedia, interactive site from The World Ocean Observatory
- Acidic Oceans: Why should we care? Perspectives in ocean science, Andrew Dickson, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
- Climate Change: Coral Reefs on the Edge Lưu trữ 2010-06-14 tại Wayback Machine A video presentation by Prof. Ove Hoegh-Guldberg on impact of ocean acidification on coral reefs
Dự án khoa học:
Nguồn truyền thông phổ biến:
- Threatening Oceans from the Inside Out: How Acidification Affects Marine Life, Scientific American
- "The Darkening Sea, article in The New Yorker magazine, Nov. 20, 2006 (requires registration)
- "Growing Acidity of Oceans May Kill Corals", Washington Post
- "Scientists Grapple with Ocean Acidification", ABC News
- "Ocean Acidification & Climate", by Clayton Sandell ABC News
- A World Without Whales? by Philippe Cousteau, The Huffington Post
- Lưu trữ 2009-09-25 tại Wayback Machine, Oceana
- The Acid Ocean Lưu trữ 2011-06-04 tại Wayback Machine, Stanford University
Đoạn phim về acid hóa đại dương:
Các phần mềm sau tính toán tình trang hệ thống carbon trong nước biển (gồm nồng độ pH):