Tập tin:Bad Religion.svgBand [[Bad Religion]] |Quelle = unbekannt; Schrift von [http://www.badreligion.com/images/splash_01.jpg], abgerufen am 27.02.2009 |Urheber = SVG-Datei
Tập tin:Bad Religion wordmark.svgThis image is a derivative work of the following images: File:Bad_Religion.svg licensed with PD-ineligible, PD-textlogo 2009-06-02T22:27:12Z Yuval Y 261x356
Tập tin:Noreligion.jpgModified Image:Icone-religion.png This image was moved to Commons by User:Timichal (here: Timichal) with the tool CommonismNow. Source: cs.wikipedia.org