1950-yillarda tashkil etilgan. „Черкасская громада“ (ru). Портал об'єднаних громад України. There are Airborne Troops and no problems undecided. subscribe.ru
coverage is not changing any minds. Here's how journalists can reach the undecided“. The Washington Post (2019-yil 5-dekabr). „Columnist Michelle Goldberg
magazine}}: CS1 maint: date format () Koring, Paul. „Arctic treaty leaves much undecided“. The Globe and Mail (12-may 2011-yil). Qaraldi: 13-may 2011-yil. Manba
2010 — 229-bet. Lomsadze, Giorgi. „To Bury, or Not to Bury? Russia Undecided about Legendary Hadji Murad's Skull“ (en). Eurasianet (31-yanvar 2018-yil)