bir nechta telekoʻrsatuvlarda, jumladan My Three Sons, Adam-12 hamda TheLoveBoat filmlarida ishtirok etadi. U, shuningdek, Scout's Honor (1980) televizion
Yelkan: Ikki harakatda, 1919-yil Charlz Demut - LoveLoveLove, 1928, Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid TheBoat Ride from Sorrento: Charles Demuth By Museum
Chosen Miss America. The New York Times (7-sentabr 1969-yil). Reilly, Sue. „It's More Than a Vegas Act When Susan Anton Sings Lost-Love Blues Over Sly Stallone“
Qaraldi: 2016-yil 2-iyun. „Leslie Uggams' Amazing Love Story: How Her 53-Year Interracial Marriage Defied the Odds“ (en). 2021-yil 4-avgustda asl
2005-yil fevral oyida jurnalning "20Q" boʻlimi uchun intervyu berdi. U "LoveBoat: The Next Wave", "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation", "JAG" filmlarida mehmon