Файл:Gallium crystals.jpgCrystals of 99.999% gallium, grown and photographed by myself in February 2003. These particular crystals took about 45 minutes to grow, sitting in a
Файл:Gallium1 1024x768.jpgImage:Gallium1_640x480.jpg by --Liberal Freemason (talk) Original-Description: (Uploaded by User:Greatpatton) English: Crystals of 99.999% gallium. Slovenščina:
Файл:Gallium1.jpgEnglish: Crystals of 99.999% gallium. Slovenščina: Kristaliziran galij. Crystals of 99.999% gallium, grown and photographed by myself in February 2003
Файл:Gallium2 640x480.jpgen.wikipedia. 2004-03-10 00:38 Foobar 640×480× (51365 bytes) Crystals of 99.999% gallium, grown and photographed by myself in February 2003.<br />{{msg:GFDL}}
Файл:Gallium crystals 1.JPGDescriptionGallium crystals 1.JPG English: Crystals of gallium metal obtained from gallium supersaturated solution. Made in home conditions English: Crystals of