The works of John Lothrop Motley (1814–1877) give an old but very detailed account of the Dutch republic in this time—John Lothrop Motley на сајту Пројекат
Средњохоландски се обично звао "dietsch" или "dütsch". Од те речи потиче енглеска реч Dutch за холандски Новохоландски (од 16. стољећа) се напротив заснива на прекорегионалноме
The Dutch East India Company. Expansion and Decline; Leiden 2003 Louisa Balk, Frans Van Dijk, D. J. Kortlang i drugi autori: The Archives of the Dutch East
Brinks, Herbert J. „Dutch Americans”. Приступљено 2007-08-08. „One village, Little Chute, however, does continue to promote its Dutch ethnicity with a mid-September
Schreibsprachen: Bibliography of medieval written forms of High and Low German and Dutch Swadesh lists of Germanic basic vocabulary words (from Wiktionary's Swadesh-list