Shoko rokuti rushambwa kana kuti jambwa (1. calamity, 2. misfortune, ill-luck, 3. disaster, accident) rinoreva nhamo huru kana kuti dambudziko guru yakadai serushigido rwavaJudah.

  • Kukwangwaya (Desire vehemently; 2. Suffer intensely from lack of necessaries of life.) kureva kubatwa neshungu. Munhu ari kukwangwaya nenzara anochera midzi nokutsenga rwodzi: a person tormented by hunger digs up roots and chews bark.
  • Kubomerwa kana kuchona (be destitute).
  • Chivi (Calamity; tragic happening) zvichireva ndondo.
  • Baya kana mabaya (Misfortune e.g continual ill-health).

Mamwe Mazwi


  • Nhamo haizivi pakagara imwe. A misfortune does not avoid another one.
  • Nhamo haityi imwe. A misfortune is not afraid of another one.
  • Nhamo urimbo inonamira. Misery is like bird-lime; it sticks (to men).
  • Nhamo ine dzimba dzayo. Misery haunts its (chosen) families.
  • Njodzi hadziiti mbiri. Danger never comes in twos.

Mitauro yeBantu

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