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seicond lairgest ceety o Poland

Kraków, awso Cracow, or Krakow, is the seicond lairgest and ane o the auldest ceeties in Poland. Situatit on the Vistula River in the Lesser Poland region, the ceety dates back tae the 7t century. Kraków haes traditionally been ane o the leadin centres o Pols academic, cultural an airtistic life an is one o Poland's maist important economic centres. It wis the caipital o Poland frae 1038 tae 1596; the caipital o the Grand Duchy o Kraków frae 1846 tae 1918; an the caipital o Kraków Voivodeship frae the 14t century tae 1999. It is nou the caipital o the Lesser Poland Voivodeship.

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