Pace or Easter is a Christian haliday. Accordin tae the Bible, it is the day whan Jesus Christ is said tae hae retoured frae the deid. Christians trou that Pace is the haliest day in the year. Pace is a Christian Haly Day that is celebrate on the first Sunday, follaein the first full muin, follaein the first day o ware.

A fresco (waw pentin) o the resurrection by Fra Angelico in Florence, Italy

Pace isna hauden on the same date ivery year. Currently aw Christian Kirks gree on hou the date is calculate. Pace is celebrate on the first Sunday, follaein the first full muin, at least 14 day efter the Ware Equinox. This means it is celebrate in Mairch or Aprile, maist o the time.


The Greek wird Πάσχα an sae the Laitin form Pascha cams frae Hebrew Pesach (פֶּסַח) meanin the festival o Passower.

The modren Scots is speculate tae hae developed frae the Auld Inglis wird Ēastre or Ēostre or Eoaster, that itsel developed prior tae 899. The name refers tae Eostur-monath, a month o the Germanic calendar attestit by Bede as named efter the goddess Ēostre o Anglo-Saxon paganism.[1] Bede notes that Eostur-monath wis the equivalent to the month o Aprile, an that feasts hauden in her honour durin Ēostur-monath haed deid oot by the time o his writin, replaced wi the Christian custom o Easter.[2]

Position in the kirk year

Wastren Christianity

In Wastren Christianity, Pace merks the end o Lent, a period o fastin an penitence in preparation for Pace, that begins on Ash Wadensday an lasts fowerty days (no coontin Sundays).

The week afore Pace, kent as Haly Week, is gey speicial in the Christian tradeetion. The Sunday afore Pace is cried Paum Sunday an the last three days afore Pace are Skyre Fuirsday or Haly Fuirsday, Guid Friday an Haly Setturday (whiles referred tae as Silent Setturday). Paum Sunday, Maundy Fuirsday an Guid Friday respectively commemorate Jesus' entry in Jerusalem, the Last Supper an the Crucifixion. Haly Fuirsday, Guid Friday, an Haly Setturday are whiles referred tae as the Easter Triduum (Laitin for "Three Days"). In some kintras, Pace lasts twa days, wi the seicont cried "Easter Monanday." The week beginnin wi Easter Sunday is cried Easter Week or the Octave o Easter, an ilk day is prefaced wi "Easter" or "Pace", e.g. Easter Monanday, Easter Tuesday, etc. Easter Setturday is syne the Setturday efter Easter Sunday. The day afore Pace is properly cried Haly Setturday. Mony kirks begin celebratin Pace late in the forenicht o Haly Setturday at a service cried the Easter Vigil.

Eastertide, or Pacetide, the saison o Pace, begins on Easter Sunday an lasts till the day o Pentecost, seiven week syne, and Saunt George is represented the Lamb of the Haly God and the Dragon defeated by Saunt George in an urine Egg of the veneration generation in generation and Jesus Christ anthropomophized by the martyrdom of the same saint in Easter Kinnen.


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