"Fighting for Rome: The Emperor as a Military Leader," in Impact oftheRoman Army (200 BC–AD 476). Brill. p. 96. Longfellow, Brenda (2011) Roman Imperialism
a Romanmilitary camp. Efter the faw o the Wastren Empire, the ceety wis conquered, in turn, bi the Burgundians, the Ostrogoths, the Byzantines. The Lombards
naitions—includin aw o the great pouers—at the hinner en formin twa opponin military alliances: the Feres an the Axis. It wis the braidest war in history, an directly
loyalty in theRoman Empire, Varsity of Californie Press, 2000. Bivar, A. D. H. (1983). "The Political Historyof Iran Under the Arsacids", in The Cambridge
convicts. A campaign bi the indwellers o New Sooth Wales led ti the end o convict transportation til tha colony; the last convict ship wis in 1848. The Indigenous